ATTN: Please be aware of text message scams that are circulating from various merchants, with a link to confirm purchases. DO NOT CLICK on the link. 

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Grand Rapids


Our Grand Rapids office is in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids, MI. Formerly known as America's Furtniture Capital, GR is the 2nd largest city in Michigan. Located near the Grand River, right on Market Ave. This location provides full banking services. ChoiceOne is a community bank committed to the success of our customers through one-on-one relationships and the best in banking technology.

330 Market Ave., SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Get directions
24 Hour ATM
Coin Machine
Medallion Signature Guarantee
Lobby Hours

M-F 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM
S – 9:00 AM TO 12:00 PM

Dave Stahl Photo
Our Manager
Dave Stahl
Branch Manager
NMLS #1244389